Tuesday 13 October 2015

[Redrawn Boundaries] Inside & Out

The day had seemingly run very slow leaving Kane frustrated and slightly irritated, it had been hard for him to focus on anything but the scent that now invaded every sense that and the tingle of her touch.

It had been a of trade agreements and property disputes, as well as a rather lengthy conversation about the legality of the slave trade in Dentarius, while Kane disagreed with such things it was not illegal, it was however illegal for such transactions to occur on Elcarus grounds, all such things were immediately void and those slaves were turned over to Elcarus protection it annoyed the traders but Kane had ensured that anyone who came to the mansion was afforded the same treatment free or slave.

Absently he made his way to his chambers, his mind turning over the day’s events, his plan to change before dinner.

When he made his way to his chambers, a loud commotion was heard out near the stables. At first it was a scuffle followed by loud shouting and then a shriek of a woman, it was notably fear in the high pitched voice. Before he arrived Kane caught the mouth-watering scent of Aishani, announcing on the whispering breeze that she was the cause of the fuss. Upon arrival Aishani was standing facing forward arms out and placing herself before the stable hands that held pitchforks in a threatening manner, as though protecting something behind her. Her hair was down, cascading in those glorious dreadlocks over her shoulders and down her back. Without the cloak now, just the under bosom leather corset and leather pants, every inch of her was expertly trained, a refined weapon but the curves of a luscious woman were revealed. The reminder of her enigmatic purpose, winked from the throwing knives situated on her thighs, now with the absence of the weapon’s belt, he saw her waist, at the flat core muscles flexing beneath wound and ready to spring into action. The restriction clearly rippled in her thighs that were wrapped in the softened leathers of her worn pants, more then one black raven feather was adorning her hair and even a few carved bone ornaments.

On the ground before her was cast away her weapon’s belt, a possible reveal to those in opposition of the Elcarus house hold that she was not a threat. Each time a stable hand stepped forward, she held her hands out to gesture a stand down.

Behind her was a sight to see, a spider that was the size of a dog. The abdomen and cephalothorax was covered in thick black fur with dark brown stripes up and down the legs. A glint was caught against the chitinous plates of sharp ridges, gleaming wickedly with the palp extensions reared back and expose the fangs with the chelicera lofted. This creature was ready to attack.

Old stories have been told of creatures from the deepest depths that were large spiders that were up to twelve feet in diameter, extremely venomous with the legs often utilized in killings with impalement. Some trainable with the talent of communicating with monsters of the subterranean level, after all Aishani WAS a Drow. A thought of sword spiders flickering into his mind, unsure as to how.

Her golden eye shifted to Kane, the expression on her face partially relieved but still reserved. She was cleaned and that scent of her surpassed the fear of his people holding the weapons and the protection Aishani placed herself in. “Tell them…to put down the pitching forks…Shadow won’t harm anyone, but, she is confused and thinks they mean ME harm…” The husky voice dripped with more precision in her tone.

She held herself properly, offering him the view of a women that was brought up with the fineries of life. When the food was delivered; plate after plate to the table, Aishani’s focus shifted and she began to pile her plate full of food. Abolishing her manners and digging into the food, as though, she had not eaten in sometime. After a time of eating like an animal, she looked to him then lifted her drink to take a long sip.

“I did warn you. I was starving…” She mumbled, then returned to eating her food. 

Her slender hand curled around the stem of the cup, just as he spoke, lifting the rim to place against her lips, that golden hue watching him over the body in the slow sip.

Her gaze returned outwards, almost as he revealed his personal thoughts, a compensation of such in her following words was a shared moment between the two. “I was cursed from the moment, I was born. In the beginning, my Matron Mother, believed it was a gift bestowed upon me by the Spider Queen Lolth. I hid it from everyone, but, one slip of research, caused everything to crumble around me and my Matron Mother turned to essentially, the last bite. It is a phrase in my old society that means death…” She stood now, moving with precise steps to stand before him, the offered lift compensated for the difference in height, so her golden and milk eye looked within his. A hand lifted to cup against his cheek, the softness in the gesture still held the fingertips and slight callous of the palm. The pink tongue parted the plush lips to moisten the surface with moisture that glistened in the moonlight. The touch alone was a jolt through his body, even her scent slithered within him, almost as though pleading. “So you see, now, we have shared personal words, Kane.” Aishani was an exotic beauty of the night, ashen skin dark and nearly black, even her hair added a softness to her face while that single golden eye hummed softly.

She lifted her hands to gather her black dreads, guiding the dark threads to expose her neck with the flecks of scars dotting the surface. Now, he smelt the amazing aroma wafting from her skin, appearing to increase with the faint, nearly undetectable throb of the vein that Aishani gifted him. Her fingers tugged down the lazily hanging tunic, to offer him little restriction. “Please, my thighs have been trembling to offer this to you as a sign of my gratitude.”

The expression on her face, returned yet, again to the familiar mask of indifference and enigmatic cloak. A fracture was born upon her plush lips with a sharp intake of breath to the caress of his fingers down her neck, closing her mouth after the sensual sweep of her tongue upon the surface. “I see.”

Eyes closing to half mast, hooded as it seemed his touch caused her pleasure, even if such was brief. Recovering her eye remained on him, but Aishani was surprised by his boldness when his hand pranced just at the inner seam of her thigh, a small purr parting those luscious lips. Sobering nearly instantly to the return of his hand to his side, that is when the scent hit him, incredibly stronger than before. The succulence of the smell was arousing in the touch of feminine musk, while it was not necessarily a whisper, screaming without voice to the bodies’ reaction of his touch. Enough would warrant for Kane to acknowledge that this woman, this female Drow, had not had physical contact…perhaps, just perhaps, his words of purity would not be far off in the suggested innuendo.

Kane surveyed the scene before, part of it amusement at how the stable hands seemed so afraid and annoyance at the fact a guest was been treated with such disrespect. He stepped past Aishani, his stance relaxed.

“We as a realm watched a herd of Unicorn unleash an assault against a dozen dragons, we watched dire wolves fight side by side with humans and the Dragon Armies, and this” He waved at the spider behind him “This unnerves you? Honestly I thought you were made of stronger stuff than this, you are also forgetting that by law our guest is under my protection, so that means pulling a weapon on her means you are challenging me?”

Kane let his final words hold in the air, a colder darker tone to each of last few words, oddly he was unarmed should the stable hands wish to attack he was more than outnumbered at this point, the moment seemed to hold for a while until finally the pitchforks withdrew.

“My apologies my lord” Issued the stable hand “We were unaware she was here under your authority, but the spider”

“Will be staying” Kane replied firmly “We have a duty to protect those in need, but I’m sure Miss  Aishani will ensure her companion doesn’t cause further troubles, just remember if you back a wolf into a corner you are very likely to get bitten”

Kane turned to face her now a soft bow “Please accept my apologies, they are still finding their nerves, we all suffered in one way or another during the Dragon Wars, the realm is still healing, anything out of the normal sight of things can cause odd reactions, now I believe I owe you dinner?” He could feel her scent now beginning to trace every piece of him, intoxicating to his demonic half, feeding the need of his vampiric half. His mind was a fight of control against one need or another a battle he had lived with for a long time, as he drew himself together shaking the thoughts for a moment and extending a hand to her.

Aishani returned her gaze back to the stable hands. As Kane moved to stand before her, Aishani straightened and joined Kane at his side, equalling the protection of Shadow, the sword spider. Strangely, the intelligence of the arachnid was apparent, as the chelicera only previously in a warning lowered down to the ground. The tension that coiled her body, as a spring was now released in a non-threatening manner.

Being so close to her was as though every fibre of his being was absorbed in her aroma and presence, now with her hair down and free, this added to an exotic allure especially with her ashen skin and golden eye with the scar that added a beauty to her features. The golden eye flicked to him, catching the light in the prism of her eye to infuse the hue. Those plush lips, while not fully manipulated into an expression, the shadows upon the corners held a dusting of amusement.

When the stable hands left, the tension was relaxed. She then glanced to his offered hand, hesitantly placing her own within his. Now, without her gloves, the skin on skin contact was a trickling jolt to his senses, even the aroma encompassed him with the mouth-watering tenacity. “Indeed, though, one thing first.” She placed a momentary pressure on his hand and tugged him down, indicating by her kneel before the spider.

When he was at her side and kneeling like her, she extended his hand to place upon the abdomen of Shadow, the fur was surprisingly silky. Even more so was Aishani’s touch, while Kane noticed a few locations on the fingertips or palm that were more calloused, vindictive of hard work. “Shadow, this is Lord Kane Elcarus of Dentarius, he has offered us sanctuary.”

Would such an arachnid be able to turn its head from side to side, Kane nearly got the impression that Shadow looked from Aishani to him. The understanding between the two was a marvel, as the Pedi palps parted to reveal now the fangs but the furry open appeared to twitch in a communication. On leg lifted then to tap at his left bicep, almost as though in silent appreciation.

Aishani chuckled, that delicious rolling purr falling past her lips, she lifted her hands to gather the lengthy locks of dreads, leaning down to purse her lips and place upon the head between the eyes, a kiss. “She likes you. Shadow, go catch dinner, stay away from the farmers livestock.” The spider acknowledged her words, skittering back a few steps, then turning to scamper away. She sighed softly, while glancing sideways to Kane, the detail of her neck held a few small scars, possibly from the blade of a dagger, nothing deep just flecks that added more to the beauty of her lessons. “Now…about this dinner…” She said, removing her hand from his.

It didn’t take them long to make their way to the dining room, the huge carved table and many chairs empty, as Kane pulled a chair for her before ensuring she was comfortable taking his place at the head of the table.

It also wasn’t long before the table was piled high with foods of just about every variety imaginable, the staff coming and going with plates of this and that. Kane had kept his eyes quietly on Aishani; it had in truth kept him slightly uneasy at her effect on him. Every part of him was keenly focused on her, something that hadn’t happened to him in a long time.

A mental battle was raging between his need to explain the effect of her, and the simple pure desire of wanting her, another thing he was wary of. Finally he pushed the thoughts aside and offered her to begin eating.

“Take what you wish, there is always plenty to go around” He smiled softly, as again forcing his thoughts of her aside as a matter of control he began eating.

When they arrived to the dining room, Aishani looked over the table then appeared stunned at the chair he presented to her, lofting a brow suspicious but accepted the seat and offering her silent acknowledgement of gratitude. Her aroma kept nibbling at him, tickling his senses, her golden eye fixed on him from her position when Kane settled upon his seat.

Kane watched her, his intrigue still peaked with a deep need, and it was a strange place for him to be in that moment. As the evening began to draw in the sun going down outside brought the candle and sconces around the hall to life, casting flickering light around the dining room.

As the staff began clearing the tables, Kane was caught by her scent once more and the flesh of her shoulders, awkwardly he moved himself to avoid giving too much away before finally clearing his throat.

“Perhaps a tour of my home before the place gets so dark navigating it becomes an adventure of its own?” Of course wandering around a mansion with someone you barely knew was perhaps considered a danger of its own, but the time with her would more than outweigh the risk.

She plucked at the meat on a bone which remained on her plate, witnessing the arrival of the staff. Aishani quickly pulled the last string of meat from the bone, just as her plate was taken, only the skeletal remnants of animals that provided sustenance and cores with pits of fruit.

The light fading and bleeding into darkness outside, the night was creeping upon them. The shadows in the room flickered upon the walls and Aishani’s features, causing her to appear even more exotic in the halos of lamination that appeared to only brush her ashen skin. The golden eye lifted to him, as she licked her fingertips and suckled then wiped the remaining juices on her leather leggings, a smirk slowly forming upon the plush and polished lips. The sight of her even in the prancing shadows, caused a realization, perhaps, she was a creature of the night.

“Mmm, now, darkness does bring…adventure. The entire world changes at night, seductive and mysterious. Would you not agree?”

Aishani then stood from her chair, as that hue glowed softly within the ever dancing shadows, slowly she moved to stand near him. Every pull of the leathers upon her figure

“Adventure is what keeps my dull life interesting” He replied, his tone slightly strangled from the deep seated need for her “But darkness is when life is often lived the most” Easing past her he led the way out of the dining hall. The main hall was now quiet with the exception of a couple of traders who simply stayed in their own conversations.

“Hm. Curious, at how dull it has been lately…” Aishani purred, the very sound so close appeared to sink into his core, but, as he rose to pass her compliantly Aishani moved to the side. Her golden eye flashing distinctly in the light of the hall, or lack thereof due to the illumination of just the candles.

They made their way through a small corridor and then up the stone steps to the second floor, Kane paused beside the dark oak door “Well that would be my room, and to most is off limits at all times” He let the word most imply she was not included in that statement.

The only resonating reminder that Kane was not alone was the click of the heels to her boots and her scent. She hesitated at his pause beside his own room, the words that he incited caused a coil of her own in a very impish and devious manner but Aishani simply nodded. “That almost sounds like an invitation, Kane.”

A soft smile in reply as he pointed to the door across the hall that led to one of the other rooms “That will now be your room, this floor is much better than the guest quarters, much more privacy” A soft smile curled his lips.

She watched his gesture, vindictive of her own room, that rolling purr of her laughter dripped past her lips, almost like sun warmed satin to his ears.

They continued on passing the huge room that operated as the Mansions library, floor to wall in stacks of book shelves. “We have just about every scroll across any realm we have visited, a history of all the realms we have had any involvement with” he paused in thought for just a moment “It also contains most of the written history of my family”

When at the library, her eyes narrowed, both the golden and milky optical, a soft curl formed on her lips but it was gone as quickly as it appeared. She never stepped a foot within the library now, remaining near the door, compliantly.

As they made their way upward through the tower, and out onto the rooftop courtyard. As he stood at the edge looking out the village could be seen as it sprawled out beyond the walls of the mansion grounds. “We watch over Dentarius as best we can, the Mansion serves as centre of commerce and trade, which allows us better knowledge if what’s going on and in turn keeps the town fairly safe. That’s why we were hit first to be hit by the Dragons; here in the mansion it is the very centre of my families’ power”

On the roof, she didn’t hesitate to near the edge, easily hoisting herself up to overlook the village. The movements that she proposed were laced with training, but the grace was that of a dancer. Her focus downwards on the twinkling lights from the villages, Aishani drew her knee up into her chest, such pressure caused the bosom incited in the force to plump with still her ashen shoulder expose in the lazy slouch of the tunic.

The night air was cool, the wind gentle yet somehow only served to remind you of the safety of the realm. His eyes had now slipped to watch her intently; he could feel the want twist inside the battle between the gentlemen he remained in the world around against the simple hungry need of a man who hadn’t had the company of anyone in a long time.

“It’s been almost 4 decades since I was last here, since this mansion has stood as the protection of this realm and its borders. Strange to think everything below us was in flames, the cries of those who fell could be heard clear across the realm, we stood and we fought. But we lost that night, a piece of who we were, no one in Dentarius can say they weren’t changed by that war” He paused, and then quickly tried to work out why he had just given away some of his more personal thoughts “I lost two brothers, they gave their lives to ensure this realm survived, our blood is in the ground they walk, I guess that’s why I came back”

He drew himself together standing beside her letting her scent race through him for just a moment before snapping himself back to the reality around them “My apologies, the ramblings of a man who has been alone for far too long he forgets how to act in front of company”

Aishani remained silent, while Kane spoke, keeping her gaze forward. The gentle stirring of wind causing the two raven feathers to flutter gently, intensifying her mouth-watering scent. One arm lifted to perch upon the bend of her knee, her breathing was calm but dutifully caused her breast to rise and fall. At the mention of death, her golden eye shifted to focus on him, while there was a taint of sympathy in the gaze, her expression remained calm, enigmatic. “Change happens, Kane. Intense emotions stir in times of war, the important thing is that you have overcome and risen above such, instead of allowing for it to control you. Lives lost, is an unfortunate plague during such battles. No apology is needed, you have clearly have not been able to surface the effect of events in your past. Such things, are never forgotten but strangely, the world continues to move on. Perhaps, it is time for you to do so as well. As I have seen and heard, you are a pillar of strength. Yet, even the strongest pillar has a weak spot, though, STILL holds up a structure. But remember, this cannot be done alone.”

Kane inclined his head into her touch, his mind once more drowning him in her scent, every nerve seemed to blaze for a moment before his own hand curled around hers, caught in the moment between wanting to keep himself a patron of virtue and the humble host pressed violently against wanting to let things follow the path he most wanted.

“I’m beginning to wonder if perhaps you needed my help at all, it seems the longer I’m around you the more who I am hammers itself home to me. My strength comes from these lands, the lands I fight to protect against any and all. That of includes Elvera but none of It matters because this will always be home” He wasn’t quite sure the point of that statement “Perhaps we will share more of each other in the coming days”

His eyes met hers now calmly, focused and their deep shade of emerald green, a sign of all Elcarus more so when they were home. Just for a moment he held her gaze “The stranger part to this is I’m fairly sure you know my darker half is vampire, and unfed in some time yet there is not a trace of fear, just a purity that I find truly curious, of course I’m not saying there is reason to fear only you do not seem the kind to come unprepared against such things?”

While the underside of her hand was callous in parts, the rise that graced his palm was incredibly silky to the touch. Her eye fixed on him, as the sensual sweep of her pink tongue graced her lips once again. “You are indeed lucky to have a place to call home, Kane. I have not had a home in centuries. Our pasts mould us to be the individuals that we present to each other at this very moment.” She nodded her head slowly, almost indecisive at first but her plush lips formed into a smirk. “Perhaps, we shall share far more of each other than originally though. But, I am no far seer, I live as I live to survive.”

Slowly her hand retreated from his face, the fingertips brushing the surface of his skin, appearing to stir his blood beneath and the phantom hand remained in a struggled reminder of the presence that once resided. “Everyone has a darker half, Kane. Though, the world is not black or white, there is a grey within us all. Purity? I am far from pure, Kane. I look forward to the coming days then.” 

Aishani’s rolling purr of amusement slithered past her lips. “I am never unprepared, Kane. But, as you have offered me sanctuary, given me food and drink…Allow me to repay such.” 

His eyes followed the curve of her neck, and the flesh of her shoulder, leaning into her drawing in her scent deeply. His eyes closed as he took her to the very depths of him just for a moment allowing the dark beast that hid within him to show, before he drew back allowing his eyes to find hers once more.

“As much as I would enjoy you, I have not fed for the sake of feeding in a very long time, for me the act of feeding is as pure as the act of, well another meaningful act. Feeding is not necessary for me to maintain myself, though it does help heal more severe injuries” He drew his fingers down her neck so light it would barely register, but the touch would register as his fingers traced the soft supple flesh of her neck.

He waited just a moment for her reaction “But your thighs trembling, now that is an interesting thought, the blood there is so much sweeter” He was unsure when he got so bold as to let his free hand trace her thigh just along the inner side before moving away from anywhere that would be considered inappropriate despite the act been more than clear, as his hand moved from her person and back to his side “I will hold you to your offer of gratitude, though it is not necessary it is welcome”

The scent spent from the skin of her neck was, in a sense, undiluted to the very fullest, tickling his senses in a vice grip. Her eyes were closed as he leaned back; the lush lashes sent crescent shadows upon her cheeks, though, when nothing occurred, her own lids lofted and the golden hue focused on him.

“So it seems our unique relationship is at a pass” He spoke soft, his hand pushing his own hair back from his face, the moonlight now causing the ground below them to glisten from the crystalline rocks that lined the floor. He watched the light scatter and skitter through the crystals a strange dance, just for a few moments, still caught in her scent, his need for her was unquestionable in that moment.

“So it seems…” Aishani breathed, the gentle rolling purr of her amusement dripping from her lips. She moved stealthily to block his view, leaning forward to whisper in his ear. The heat of her breath swirling to tingle the fine hairs at the rivet of his ear, warming with her presence so close. That unfathomable scent drowning him, as her hand lifted to stroke against the side of his neck. “I think…I have an idea to exorcise this situation. Break the ice…so to say. Spar with me on the grounds, lets us get…physical.” She leaned back, but not before the slick moisture graced upon the lobe of his ear to the departure. “Unless, you have, something else in mind.”

-= Kane & Aishani =-

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