Sunday 25 October 2015

[A Cold Winter] Unwanted Surprises

The descent into the basement was fairly quick the same route to the hidden was almost the root to the damaged heating elements, the staff and metalworkers had already removed the cracked pipes huge tubes of metal bent apart by the cold ice that had flooded them just a day earlier.

“We’ll be needing those fancy magicks of yours soon milord” Abrams called as he caught sight of them, and the bottom of the room the green fires burned high, this was referred to as dragon flame a never ending fire that burned to keep the waters of the mansion heated.

“Of course Abrams” Kane quietly removed his gloves the flicker of flames danced over his hand as the pipes were hoisted into place they were heavy as staff shuddered to hold them in place.

Aishani lowered down to the basement of the estate, acknowledging the familiar pathing that appeared to nearly lead to the hidden laboratory. Her eyes took in the individuals within the area from staff to metalworkers. She glanced to Abrams with a wave at his presence, Aishani pulled the covers of the mits back to reveal the fingerless gloves and moved down to assist the staff to set the pipes into place after Kane's assistance. She was abnormally strong for her height and size but not terribly so, offering her help without question.

Kane eyed her for a moment with a grin, before he moved to the point where the new lines joined the old one, quietly his hand ran over the pipe a crackle emitted for a few moments before his hand came away the pipe glowing a dark red but sealed to the old pipe work, crossing to the other side he repeated this process and the pipe held in place.

“Always amazes me you can bend fires like that milord” Abrams chorused softly

“Easy enough when you’ve had a century or two to practice with, we can open the water lines now?”

“Aye milord, should warm you all up in no time” Abrams smiled

“Thank you for your prompt response to our issues”

“Well if you lot freeze to death who’s going to look after the rest of us this winter?” Abrams shrugged before extending his hand, Kane promptly made the shake before walking back to Aishani.

“The supply wagons have arrived that would be our next stop”

She straightened when Kane neared her, a smirk on her plush lips while stepping back to watch his word. Tilting her head to the side at the fusion of the metal of the pipes, glancing to Abrams with a chuckle. But, she moved to ensure that all the other staff and metal workers were good, then a nod to Kane. "Well, then what are we waiting for?"

Kane nodded softly taking her hand as they all left back out through underground and out into the court yard which was now full of wagon and horses and soldier in the blue and greys of the Elveran Army, it was at this point Kanes walk slowed, the far side of the courtyard housed a large blue and silver carriage, the side bore the Silver Horse of the royal court.

“Oh great” Kane groaned quietly “Well this is going to be fun” the sarcasm in his voice was as obvious as the caravan as the door opened the frame of a young woman, dark red curls framed the face of a woman who was accustomed to getting her own way, instinctively Kane drew Aishani to him.

Aishani considered the soldiers, then her eyes narrowed on the blue and grey of the Elveran Army. Her eyes barely had a chance to catch the appearance of a female with dark red tendrils and glanced distractedly to Kane when he drew her close; it was almost protective but possessive, a search for strength from her. The crispness of the cold air swirled and nipped at their cheeks and noses, but her exotic aroma permeated Kane's senses. Silently stating that she was present and not going any place.

Kanes eyes never moved from the woman as she strode across the courtyard staff skittering from her path. She stepped in front of Kane before eying Aishani carefully studying her, another moment before her voice came snapping Kane from his annoyed state.

“You do know the correct greeting for the Queen is to kneel before her?” Her words were emotionless and cold, her eyes now staring into Kanes, the awkward moment held them for a moment.

“Unless you’re on grounds where the power of the crown is no longer acknowledged” Kane replied his voice now veined with the same ice that had taken hold of the realm

“You may be an independent state, but you still answer to the crown Kane, we know that” She replied

“We will support the crown when needed, we don’t answer to you or the High Council” His words actually took her by surprise as she snapped a glare to Aishani, her curls flowing in the motion “He is always so unreasonable?” again her voice dripped with sarcasm.

Aishani straightened when the female eyed her, though, left her gloved hand curled within Kane's, but, never once did she stand down from the woman's gaze. Allowing for Kane to handle the situation for the most part until the directly acknowledged by her. "Perhaps, you should consider the cause for him to be reasonable to you. A Queen would not demand that anyone bow in neutral grounds, such should be done without push or snap. The title is a privileged not to be overlooked, respect is earned and NEVER given."

“A title I was forced into at just twelve years old, used for one end or another, beaten as I grew into my own mind, and now because some believe I use things to my own mind there is a High Council who seek to take power for themselves while I sit and watch my lands fall apart. They would have him executed without question nor trial, did he tell you that part? That he abused his power” Kane growled snapping her attention to him, his voice was sharp yet not without concern, not for Ascondia but any implication she may bend the story to fit her agenda.

“I used no one Ascondia, but you are correct without the protection of a free city that you afforded me I would be hunted like any other bounty. I would be likely caught and I would indeed be executed, seeing how you will always harbour a soft spot in that ice cage you call a heart I was given Dentarius, which brings us to why you are here?” 

“Oh stop worrying so much Kane, I’m not here for your woman, though I would appreciate the return of my property, and my bounty hunter or him to repay the two hundred thousand in gold I paid him upfront” Ascondia shrugged softly “I wanted to discuss a new threat, apparently your loving father has found himself a new power mate, and I want to ensure he isn’t coming after the throne again”

Kane almost threw his hands up in disbelief yet the act was a mental one Aishani would see in her mind as Kane shifted back to the straight faced side he showed her these days “I think it’s more likely he is coming for us, so you can rest easy Ascondia, as usual I have things under control, I won’t be needing the crowns help to deal with family matters”

“Hmm very well, I will stay the night and we will return to Elvera tomorrow, perhaps I can catch a word with our daughter before I leave” Ascondia shrugged his answer off before stepping toward the mansion “I trust this will be fine?”

Kane scratched his head idly in thought before he replied “Funny thing about that, Aerian rode out with Hades this morning, headed to check the outer provinces, though I now wonder if perhaps she didn’t go because she knew you were close, all these years and you still haven’t found a way to talk to her”

“She is stubborn, and resents me, that is not my doing” Ascondia snapped back coldly

Aishani looked to her with only a brow inclined and her expression remaining passive without much reveal of emotion. "Clearly, any benefit to your own personal vendetta need remain at the glass carriage you ride to remain there. I am well aware of all things considering. Everyone has their own motives, it is to discern if such is detrimental to others...Thank for the property by the way, seems you must have cherished it once upon a time, but, isn't that how all tales begin? In your case, manipulation and betrayal are in your blood. Seems, you must have to bite the blade and swallow the money you paid in full, because, he clearly took the money and ran."

A smirk formed on her lips, while it was subtle with the shadows darkening on the corners of her mouth. "He has a point, Ascondia." But she stepped forward at the mention of Aerian. "Regardless, if you think it is your fault or not for the resentment Aerian has, there is much she deals with and all you think of is yourself. Might have a wonderful conversation with your reflection, because, the mouth moves but only you are heard talking."

“Such a spirited woman, he does like them fiery does he not?” Ascondia grinned throwing Kane a glance before striding off toward the mansion. Several guards fell in line behind her as did a row of maids and other Court personnel.

Kane waited for a few moments “I do so wish that woman would just leave me be” He sighed softly before walking toward the wagons that were heavily loaded “Still at least she brought the supplies with her, there is a small mercy in the fact no one would be stupid enough to attempt to rip a caravan of supplies off while they are with the Royal Guards”

“Indeed Kane, we would gut them before they got close enough” Called a tall man now striding toward him “The Royal Guard as good as we have ever been, at least since you were in command” The man was tall and looked young yet his hair was aged with silver, he held a hand to Kane who promptly responded with a firm shake.

“Alvin, they have you in command now?” His voice was etched with curiosity

“Indeed, the Queen has put several more trusted of us in more key positions, between you and I, I fear the High Council may be after the power of the throne, I fear they may attempt to assassinate her” The man lowered his voice so none so close could hear his words “Our lady dispatched Alastair Grimloshi to bring back your girl, one of our scouting party later found him with arrows in his back at the bottom of Dragons Gorge”

Kane eyed the gates for a moment in thought before considering his answer “For two hundred thousand pieces of gold, there are many who would be out to take the contract from him” His voice had become level as spoke in thought

“But not so many stupid enough to try and take them from him, also he still had the fee with him, he was executed my lord, and most likely by the high council to an end we cannot determine” Kane handed off a bag of grain to the men now creating a line between the wagons and the storage areas of the mansion each would pass it to the next.

“And he would undoubtedly had realised that should he have come here, I would have put an arrow in his head myself, he may have been the pet hunter of the crown but I have a hard time forgiving treason” Kane handed another bag down to Aishani before pulling another to him, this pattern he repeated for a few more bags “So why come to me?”

“Because I have yet to find a man who can question your honour my lord” Replied Alvin “And without you I’d just be another corpse on the battle field, you pulled us out that day at the cost of your own family, I have never forgotten”

“Me either” Kane bit darkly “But what do you expect me to do?”

“Watch her back, just as you always have Kane” Alvin replied his words almost now a plead

“No” Kane replied simply handing off yet another sack of grain

Aishani remained still for a few moments, a tick tick of her nail tapped upon the hilt of her sheathed dagger to her side, while the narrow of her eyes were so venomous that it would nearly poison an onlooker by the simple glance of it. When Kane spoke it was as though her spell shattered and Aishani looked to him with a smug nod. "That is the only decent thing, which she has brought with her benefiting anyone but herself."

She turned her golden eye to rest upon the man that spoke, listening to the conversation, now the informal introduction of Alvin. She accepted each bag of grain that was handed down to her, amidst the discussion, turning it to the next in the daisy chain line. Aishani kept her thoughts to herself, on one passing of the grain, her hand caressed against his own with a brief wash of her gaze and a cascade of her scent swirled around him in the frigid air.

Now, her silence spoken, while a chuckle rolled from her lips in that fantastic purr. "She is the Queen, always a struggle to keep and maintain such a position is part of the life of those of higher privilege. I do not pretend to understand the circumstances, nor do I care. There is far more at play then I believe you realize, Alvin, each thread to web and with just the wrong footing a trap can emerge to send the spider for a feast. But spiders do not eat slowly, no. They send in an enzyme that slowly rots the inside, spoiling it. Then..." She made a slurping sound. "Be wary that which side you are on. The life can be sucked from you. Duty is duty, I understand such things. But, do not hesitate for a moment to consider that on the drop of a coin, all that can change and challenge the very air you breathe." She then returned to the passing of the grain. "In other words, the QUEEN can look after herself, as we have to on our own family matters."

“I would not betray my duty milady, I am the third to this position after Kane, the other two well met ends not so pretty” Alvin sighed softly “So far I have been fortunate to walk the line between the intent of the High Council and ensuring our Queen stays safe”

“Alvin, you are safe here, the council are not stupid enough to risk bringing the force of Dentarius against them, be it to Ascondias end or another, but rest assured that is where my obligation to protect Ascondia begins and ends, you are free to conduct any inquires you wish here. Find your spies and I will ensure they never see the light of Elvera again” Kanes final words came sharp and with enough for anyone in earshot to hear a warning that any attempt on any from the Elveran party on his lands would not be permitted, as he slid down from the wagon having offloaded the last of the grains.

“I will have the East Wings assigned as normal to the royal party, now if you’ll excuse me Aishani and I have much to do in preparation for Dentarius surviving this winter” Kane bowed lightly as he swept off down the courtyard he halted just for a moment “Alvin my words count for anyone just so you are aware” and with that he headed off toward the stables with Aishani.

Aishani smirked to the sharp velocity of Kane's impending words, stepping back to wait for him to jump from the wagon. Once he was down upon the grounds, her mitted hand met with his in the walk to the stables. "Kane, I don't like this...Something is rubbing me wrong about this entire scenario. Almost like it is a distraction from other things at hand, we need to remain focused. I am not aware of how Ascondia fits into this, but, rest assured, Z'ress can weave such a web that it is lethal to any that step foot in her trap. We need to weigh things, because, I would not put it past my mother to test your loyalties; meaning pitting me against Ascondia to make you decide, even Aerian. It is discerning to me and quite troubling. Yet, again, I may be getting too far ahead of myself on this." Her tone was a rolling purr in her whisper, to keep such from eavesdropping ears.

“It would seem a storm is brewing to distract us, though I suspect this is no more than a test of my patience, there is truth to the High Council trying to dethrone Ascondia, without her they would be free to seize control of the realm” He paused “I have desire to be drawn into a political war on war front and all-out war with Ceremon on the other, but I am almost certain this is no more than Ascondias attempt to mess with my head, after all I suspect I will always remain her favourite play toy” Kane caressed her hand gently.

“Z’ress and Ceremon will have to sit and wait for winter to pass before they can take another shot at us, so for the moment we will indeed focus on what’s in front of us and survive this winter” As they walked it began to snow, small yet enough to frost the ground quickly, by the time they reached the stables it had already stopped “I would of course warn you to watch your back around Ascondia, right now you are in her way and you’ve already eluded her once”

As the entered the stables he halted turning to her “On the subject of Grimloshi and that been the second time I’ve heard is name do I suspect my daughter is responsible for his death?” Kane stepped to the side to grab a bale of hay “Not that it matters after all Alastair was no more going to meet such an end, after all had he shown up here trying to take you it would have been my arrow ending him”

"Mmhm, yes, it would not surprise me. She really thinks that she has you wrapped around her little finger. I understand her position but she has to understand that you are not at her beck and call especially here. I still know the location of her necklace, in which, she will not get it back until the charm is broken and removed. I would not wish to see you in any state of mind control." Aishani glanced to the ground as it was dusted with the snow, but, when near the stables, she turned Kane gently. "Honestly, Kane, I would not be surprised if Aerian had a part in Grimloshi."

“Ascondia may think she is in control, I assure that will never be the case again” Kane replied softly handing her a shovel, as he placed the bale of hay down and sat upon it “As you said we have bigger things to have our minds on than a game of who can mess up Kanes head the worst” he shrugged the comment about Ascondia or his father was all too evident, finally he stood “So do you wish to clean or feed them?”

Aishani watched him for a few moments in silence, accepting the shovel but neared him to caress his cheek and lifting his chin upwards to look upon her. But, as he stood, she stepped back and looked at the stable, then to him. "Things are often faster when working together on one project. I say that we feed the horses and then bathe them. I'm sure we will make short work of it, Kane." 

As they worked clearing the stables Kane was working the floors clearing the muck into a barrow which was then promptly taken outdoors, a sudden panic cut through him before he was able to push it down, evidently aware as his nails bit into the wood of the stall. As it subsided Kane continued to help with the cleaning of the stables. 

“This is the last of things for today” Kane spoke softly as their tasks were done, standing the remnants of the bale in the trays by the door. They walked out into the yard Kanes fingers laced through hers as they headed back toward the mansion he halted, his eyes searching the high walls of the outer perimeter before he shook his head and they once more resumed their path to the house. 

Aishani moved quickly when Kane's hand latched to the wood of the stall, instantly at his side for support, while a hand was upon his chest and another on his back. She inspected him with her golden eye, while moistening her lips. But, as the tension melted from his muscles, she retracted, leaving it be for the time as he never spoke on the cause for his actions.

She nodded to him, having shed her coat and moving to slip it back on over her shoulders, but, her eyes remained on him in the leave of the stable. Aishani followed his gaze to the high perimeter walls and then back to him, keeping in step with him to the estate.

When entering, they heard a commotion in the kitchen followed by screams and pots and pans falling down, almost as though the clatter of smashing plates were heard behind the closed doors. She exchanged a glance with Kane, then withdrew her new daggers with a spin in her hand the cover of the mit already tugged down to expose her fingers.

As the door to the kitchen was burst open, one of the kitchen staff was throwing anything within arm's reach at the large spider covered in thick black fur with dark brown strips up and down the legs. Those chitinous plated ridges of the sharp legs were lifted as though to fend off the assault. "Shadow! There you are." She said, while sheathing her weapons and a smile formed on her lips, as though, welcoming a long lost friend back. The palp extensions appeared to chatter, while the soft clicking of the legs were heard in the movements over to greet Aishani. But, as the palps continued to chitter, a seeming dark cloud covered her and it was apparent.

" our room. I have need to speak to you in privacy, Shadow is going to join us..." Without awaiting a reaction further from Kane, Aishani left the kitchen to make for the stairs with Shadow following her closely like a loyal dog, merchants and staff gasped and jumped out of the way to the ghastly sight.

Kane groaned as he lent against the kitchen wall, before finally waving off the protests of having Shadow in the mansion. He drew one long breath then righted himself as he strode from the kitchen and up the stairway to their room.

“Please tell me there are no more surprises today, I’m not sure my poor head can handle them” He groaned stripping off his cloak simply letting it fall to the ground and waling to sit in the window the cold air at least for the moment wiping the pain from his mind.

Aishani closed the door after he entered the room and Shadow began to explore around the floor and even climbed the walls to nestle comfortably in a corner that was possibly near a pipe. She turned to face him as he settled on the window perch. Aishani parted her lips to speak but fell silent, removing her gloves and coat, gathering his own to drape over a chair together. Then proceeded to settle across from him while guiding him to lean and lay his head in her lap, fingertips gently working in a massage upon his temples while her opposing hand combed through his threads.

"I wish, I could say that it wasn't a surprise, Kane. But, I have had Shadow keeping watch upon Aerian whenever she leaves the estate. It is no different than her leave with Hades..." She paused, swallowing thickly. "Winter or not...we cannot remain here. She told me that Aerian and Hades were attacked...and taken to Ceremon's castle. Shadow was right to come back immediately, she knows that she was outnumbered and held no chance against them. Let us pack warm clothing and food, we have to leave at once. But, my concern is the fact that Ascondia is here now. To leave her within this estate does not settle well with me without you or I present. Is that the cause of the pain or headaches?" Aishani fell silent, caressing her fingers through his dark threads, but watching him for his reaction.

Kane remained silent his eyes closed as the knot in his stomach twisted into a cold feeling, it would be hard to miss the wave of emotion that ripped through his mind anyone close enough would feel it, yet he remained silent. Chaos ripped at him from every direction and in that moment he allowed it to.

It took a few minutes but finally he pushed the wave down sitting “No the headache is because Aerian is in severe pain, or serious trouble, or throwing a temper tantrum sometimes its hard to know for sure” he breathed slowly the thoughts finally beginning to make sense to him “We will have to go alone, I cannot dimish forces here in Dentarius, even for my daughter or my brother”

He shifted awkwardly as he sat slowly “As for Ascondia we are left with two options, one leave and pray she leaves in the morning as she is supposed to do, unfortunately no one in Dentarius is capable of making sure that happens, secondly we take her with us, she is a skilled mage and not too bad at close quarters combat, a prospect I admittedly do not envy” He scratched his head awkwardly unnerved by his own suggestion as to taking the one person in the realm he actually did not wish to be around longer than needed “It does however concern her daughter”

Aishani clicked her tongue upon the roof of her mouth, narrowing her gaze outside the window. "While I do not care for the suggestion to bring her with us...I cannot argue that this involves her daughter. I have seen the tension between her, you and Ascondia. The relationship the three of you share is stretched to the limit, it is ready to break. This is in the best interest of Aerian that is important. Ceremon...I know he must be capable of torture, but, she is far as Z'ress is concerned, kin or not, is very cruel and heartless. After all she is out for blood to end my link to life, her own flesh and blood." She fell silent for a time. "I believe we need to bring this to her attention. There is to be none of her noisy men, except perhaps Alvin. The less attention we get the better."

“I would agree the less of us that approach Ceremons hide away, the better and also you are correct in your assumption Ceremon wouldn’t hurt Aerian, he is honourable in never harming her, Z’ress I’m far from sure and Hareavor … has already broken Aerian more than she or I would care to admit” He sat slowly his eyes looking out of the window in silent thought for a moment.

“We should go speak with the Queen” He spoke coldly his tone and choice of words simple in their statement she was the queen and nothing beyond their daughter mattered to him “Just when things between Aerian and I looked like they may finally begin to repair themselves” He sighed softly kissing her cheek gently “Whatever happens I’m glad I have you”

"Unforeseen events, Kane. The bond that I have seen that never dies is that between family. She may act like a brat at times. Aerian loves you and I believe after we rescue her, which we will, you two need to spend time together. I have a feeling she will need you." She pressed her lips to his briefly when he withdrew from the kiss to her cheek, curling a hand within his and instilling a squeeze. "You will have me at your side, no matter the circumstance. She is the Queen to you and only a title to me which I will not acknowledge since I am not from this realm. Undeniably the mother of Aerian...Enough talk, I will send Shadow ahead to scout for us."

The blade spider thudded to the floor looking stunned for a moment then moved to Aishani, the palp chattering against the venom dripped fangs. A smile formed on her lips, while running her fingers through the dark fur and nodding. "I will see you soon enough, stay warm and safe, Shadow." Aishani stood now, guiding Kane to rise and open the window to allow Shadow the exit.

After watching the spider skitter on the high walls then disappear from sight. "Kane, my love, it is time to visit the red-haired witch of the West."

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